Hallazgo de Cultura infantil. Poemas iniciales didácticos de Vallejo

Autor: Mara L. García
Jazyk: Spanish; Castilian
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Espergesia, Vol 7, Iss 1, Pp 7-15 (2021)
ISSN: 2410-4558
Popis: La revista Cultura Infantil, representa un icono de la vida cultural, literaria y educativa del Peru. En esta revista colaboraron valiosos intelectuales como Cesar Vallejo, Alcides Espelucin, Juan Espejo Asturrizaga, entre otros. La biblioteca HBLL de Brigham Young University custodia esta coleccion desde el 22 de octubre de 2019, constituyendose en la unica biblioteca, en el mundo, que posee, hasta la fecha, la coleccion completa que ha estado perdida por mucho tiempo. Mi intencion es hacer publico este hallazgo mundial, para cuyo rescate fui participante. En este trabajo voy a analizar algunos poemas representativos de la poesia poetica-educacional que Vallejo publico en Cultura infantil entre 1913 y 1914, en los cuales el vate, deja una leccion didactica a traves de su poesia. El autor de Trilce recrea desde sus obras iniciales, la tierra amada, el hermano muerto, la naturaleza etc. que forman parte de su poesia y de su obra posterior. Estos poemas son evidencia que, desde los escritos tempranos de Vallejo, se van germinando otros generos literarios, en los cuales incursiono Vallejo, ademas de la poesia. En los poemas de Vallejo publicados en Cultura infantil ya se van cociendo temas y simbolos que uso el vate reiterativamente en su poesia posterior como: el agua, la lluvia, el ande, las lagrimas, el cementerio, la familia etc. El hablante lirico realiza un viaje fisico y metaforico, donde ademas de explorar lugares ignotos, se convierte en un guia espiritual que orienta y ensena al oyente nino interior y al receptor. Palabras clave: Cultura infantil; Cesar Vallejo, poemas didacticos. Abstract The magazine, Cultura Infantil represents an icon of the cultural, literary and educational life of Peru. Valuable intellectuals such as Cesar Vallejo, Alcides Espelucin, Juan Espejo Asturrizaga, among others, collaborated in this magazine. The HBLL Library of Brigham Young University has had custody of this collection since October 22, 2019, becoming the only library in the world, to date, wich has the complete collection, previously lost to the world for a long time. My intention is to make public this world finding, of which rescue, I am proud to say, I was a participant. In this work I am going to analyze some representative poems of the poetic-educational poetry that Vallejo published in Cultura Infantil magazine between 1913 and 1914. In this work, the poet leaves a didactic lesson through his poetry. The author of Trilce recreates, from his initial works, the beloved land, the deceased brother, mother nature, etc., which are part of his poetry and his later work. These poems are evidence that, since Vallejo's early writings, in addition to poetry, he ventured into other literary genres. Vallejo's poems published in Cultura Infantil, already show themes and symbols the poet used repeatedly in his subsequent work, such as water, rain, walk, tears, cemetery, family, etc. The lyrical speaker goes on a physical and metaphorical journey, where in addition to exploring unknown places, he becomes a spiritual guide who guides and teaches the listener, the inner child and the reader. Keywords: Cesar Vallejo, Cultura infantil magazine, didactic poetry.
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