Kosmetika onkologikoa: kimioterapiak eta erradioterapiak larruazalean eragindako efektu desiragaitzak eta horiek tratatzeko konposatu naturaletan oinarritutako formulazio berriak
Autor: | Rosa Maria Hernandez, Edorta Santos-Vizcaino, Manoli Igartua, Aiala Salvador, José Luis Pedraz, A. Esquisabel, Miren Izaguirre |
Rok vydání: | 2018 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Addi. Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación instname |
Popis: | Sarritan, tratamendu onkologikoek pazientearen bizi-kalitatea baldintzatu dezaketen efektu desiragaitzak sortzen dituzte, minbizi-zelulak kaltetzeaz gain, bes-telako ehun osasuntsuak suntsitzen baitituzte. Lan honetan tratamendu onkologikoen ondorioz larruazalean sortutako gaitzak aztertuko dira (hala nola pruritoa, ezkatatzea edota ultzerazioa kasu larrienetan) eta baita arazo horiei aurre egiteko formulatu diren produktu berrien konposizioa ere. Orain arte erabili diren kortikoide, antihistaminiko edo lidokainadun kremak alde batera uzteko helburuarekin, laborategi dermokosmeti-koek paziente onkologikoen larruazala tratatzeko bestelako produktu-lerroak merka-turatu dituzte, horien bizi-kalitatea hobetu eta eragin desiragaitz berantiarren agerpena oztopatzeko asmoz. Antzinatik erabili izan diren landare-estraktuez baliatuz, larruaza-laren erreparaketa-prozesua bultzatzea helburu duten formulazioak diseinatu dituzte, Maria D’uol edota OnCosmetics laborategien produktu-lerroak bezala. Beste kasu ba-tzuetan, landare-jatorriko konposatuez gain, bestelako molekula aktiboak erabili dituzte; hala nola, BEACON Biomedicine laborategien kasuan, hazkuntza-faktoreak eta Tectum 11 izeneko proteina-konplexuak erabiltzen dituzte, edota IFC laborategian, Cryptomphalus aspersa barraskilotik lortutako jariakinaz baliatzen dira tratamendu on-kologikoen ondorioz sortutako larruazaleko gaitzak erreparatzeko.; Often, cancer treatments create undesirable effects that may compromise the patient’s quality of life, given that besides killing cancer cells, they also destroy other healthy tissues. The present work discusses the skin diseases caused by cancer treatments, such as pruritus, flaking and/or ulceration in the most severe cases, as well as new products that are formulated to address these issues. With the aim of leaving aside the so far used corticoids, anti-histaminic drugs or lidocaine creams, dermo-cos-metic laboratories are now releasing alternative product lines for the skin treatment of patients with oncologic disorders. This is intended to improve their quality of life, hin-dering the unwanted late onset effects. By using plant extracts that have been used since ancient times, different formulations have been designed to promote the skin re-generation process. Product lines from laboratories such as Maria D’uol and OnCos-metics represent good examples of this. In other cases, besides plant origin compounds, other active molecules are also included. This is the case of BEACON Biomedicine laboratories, working with growth factors and a complex protein called Tectum 1; or IFC, where the fluids obtained from Cryptomphalus aspersa snails are used for the treatment of skin disorders caused by cancer. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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