Identification of novel CK2 inhibitors with a benzofuran scaffold by novel non-radiometric in vitro assays

Autor: Andreas Gratz, Joachim Jose, Claudia Götz, Uwe Kuckländer, Ricardo Bollig
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 356:83-90
ISSN: 1573-4919
Popis: Protein kinase CK2 is emerging as a target in neoplastic diseases. Inhibition of CK2 by small compounds could lead to new therapies by counteracting the elevated CK2 activities found in a variety of tumors. Currently, CK2 inhibitors are primarily evaluated by a radiometric in vitro assay tracing the amount of transferred γ-(32)P from ATP to a substrate peptide. Here, we present two alternative assays abandoning radioisotopes. The first assay is based on Förster resonance energy transfer between the fluorescence donor EDANS and the acceptor molecule DABCYL within the CK2 substrate peptide [DABCYL]-RRRDDDSDDD-[EDANS]. This peptide comprises a cleavage site for pancreatic elastase, which is located next to the phosphate acceptor serine. Only the non-phosphorylated peptide can be cleaved by elastase, disrupting the FRET effect. Thus fluorescence intensity is inversely correlated with CK2 activity. The second non-radiometric assay deploys the changing of charge that occurs within the peptide substrate RRRDDDSDDD upon phosphorylation by CK2. Substrate and product of a CK2 reaction consequently show a difference in electrophoretic mobility and thus can be separated by capillary electrophoresis. Absorption detection enabled quantification of both peptide species and allowed the determination of IC(50) values. This method facilitated the testing of a small compound library by which benzofuran derivatives were identified as potent CK2 inhibitors with IC(50) values in the submicromolar range.
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