Additional file 8: Figure S7. of Analysis of monocyte infiltration in MPTP mice reveals that microglial CX3CR1 protects against neurotoxic over-induction of monocyte-attracting CCL2 by astrocytes

Autor: Parillaud, Vincent, Lornet, Guillaume, Monnet, Yann, Anne-Laure Privat, Haddad, Andrei, Brochard, Vanessa, Bekaert, Amaury, Chanville, Camille De, Hirsch, Etienne, Combadière, Christophe, Hunot, Stéphane, Lobsiger, Christian
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3721690_d9.v1
Popis: Induction of CCL2 within astrocytes in the striatum of MPTP mice. (A) Schematic drawing of the nigro-striatal pathway of DA neurons. (B-F) Immunofluorescence stainings showing astrocytic localization (GFAP; green, arrow) of CCL2 induction (red, arrows) in the striatum (TH, DA innervation; blue) at 24 h after MPTP intoxication (no staining was detectable in saline injected mice, data not shown). (B) Example of a cytoplasmic CCL2 staining (shown as a confocal analysis in D-F). (C) Rare example of a potential extracellular CCL2 staining (red, arrowheads; with DAPI as a nuclear marker, blue) in close proximity to astrocytic processes (GFAP; green, arrows); only detected in the striatum, not in the SNpc. Of note, CCL2 induction was less prominent in the striatum (including at later timepoints than 24 h, data not shown) than in the SNpc, (see Figs. 2 and 3). (Scale bars; B, C, F, 20 μm). (PDF 1646 kb)
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