Additional file 8 of Enhancing backcross programs through increased recombination

Autor: Tourrette, Elise, Falque, Matthieu, Martin, Olivier C.
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.14190219
Popis: Additional file 8: Figure S7: Effect of selecting the top 1% best plants rather than the best one. (a) Mean size of the heterozygous segment around the target locus, in Mb, according to generations, in B.rapa. (b) Mean proportion of the donor genome, in percentage, according to generations. The insert represents a zoom on the last generations, from BC2 onwards. (c) Ratio of the mean proportion of donor genome under WT to the proportion under Boost or HR according to generations. A value above 1 means that there is more remaining donor genome in the WT than under modified recombination rates (Boost or HR). (d) Mean proportion of the remaining donor genome that results from linkage drag, calculated as the part of the remaining donor genome that comes from the heterozygous segment around the target locus, according to generations. The measures for WT, Boost and HR are represented in black, red, and green, respectively. Either the best (solid lines) or the best four (top 1%; dashed lines) plants are kept at each generation. In the situations represented in this figure, the target locus is in a cold region, there are 400 plants per generations and the selection scheme goes up to BC3S1. The error bars represent the confidence intervals at 95%.
Databáze: OpenAIRE