Iran's Media Landscape: Law, policy and media freedom

Autor: Baghestan, Abbas Ghanbari, Hassan, Musa Abu
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.6638867.v1
Popis: Iran as a very ancient country is experiencing a different kind of media policy that isbased on freedom, religion and social responsibility. A general look at the media in Iranshows that during the period after the Islamic Revolution considerable development hadtaken place in the area of media freedom. A wide range of press media is currentlyavailable in Iran. Because of high attentions to the radio and TV as a national university,it remains the most popular medium. In terms of online media, Iran is one of fewcountries in the world where the new form of journalism - online journalism - and a newtype of media – online only news organizations - have received serious attention anddevelopment in the last 9 years. Iran has the largest number of blogs in the world afterChina and the online internet media in Iran is going to be as a mass media. However,while the Iranian press has displayed great diversity and vibrancy, some basic legalsafeguards for media freedom are still lacking. After 30 years of Islamic Revolution, thepress remains vulnerable. In spite of a lot of improvement in media legislation, mediafreedom is still an issue and there are several intermixed legal and educational obstaclesthat directly or indirectly damage the development of the media freedom. These obstaclesare includes; decreasing professional standards of journalism, the complexity of newmedia and the lack of updating media legislation, the limitation or monopoly of mediapublication, the independence of the Judiciary, the lack of clear definition of “Mediaoffense” and “Media court” in the law, and unbalanced distribution of governmentsubsidies to the press. For further development and toward desirable climate for mediafreedom in Iran, a lot of decisions need to be made to address these obstacles, specially interms of legislation and Education of Journalists.
Databáze: OpenAIRE