Figure S1, Figure S2, Figure S4, Table S1, Table S2, Table S3 from Differential Effects of Clinically Relevant N- versus C-Terminal Truncating CDKN1A Mutations on Cisplatin Sensitivity in Bladder Cancer

Autor: Philip H. Abbosh, Wafik S. El-Deiry, Erica R. McKenzie, Ali Behbahani, Alexander L. Metz, David J. Weader, Robert N. Uzzo, Moataz Ellithi, Rahmat K. Sikder
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Figure S1. A. sg12 successfully edited the CDKN1A gene in SW780 with high efficiency; chromatogram shows deletion of an adenine (A). B. Histograms from TIDE analysis of single-cell clones showed that the clones have largely homogeneous populations. Figure S2. Cisplatin sensitivity was assessed in SW780 CRISPR clones 24h after a 3h pulse dose. Increased PARP cleavage (a marker of apoptosis) was observed in three p21-deficient sg12 clones compared to sgGFP. Figure S3: see separate document. Figure S4. TCC cell lines harboring p53 mutations differentially regulate p21 after cisplatin treatment (10 µM 3-hour pulse dose) Table S1: Primary antibodies used Table S2: Secondary antibodies used Table S3: sgRNA and flanking primer sequences
Databáze: OpenAIRE