Autor: S. Boltonosov, K. Loganovskyi, N. Gunko, Y. Yachnik, A. Vitrenko, I. Pinchuk, N. Stepanova, N. Atamanchuk
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Problemy radiatsiinoi medytsyny ta radiobiolohii. 25
ISSN: 2313-4607
Popis: The article is devoted to the problem of completed suicides among veterans of the Joint Forces for National Securityand Defense operation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions (JFO) and liquidators of the consequences of the Chornobylaccident (LCCA). The results of the analysis of surveys of families and close associates of JFO veterans who committed a completed suicide in the period 2014-2019 are presented. The survey was conducted as part of criminal proceedings initiated on the facts of analyze the current dynamics of suicidal behavior in veterans of JFO and the impact of psychosocialfactors on its development and compare with the relevant indicators among LCCA at the Chornobyl nuclear powerplant.175 questionnaires are presented, socio-demographic characteristics are compiled and psychosocial factors that influenced the development of suicidal behavior in environmental protection veterans areidentified. An analysis of the status of such studies among liquidators of the Chornobyl accidents.the data analysis of suicidal behavior in veterans of environmental protection, the impact on its development of psychosocial factors and comparison with the indicators among LCCA at the Chornobyl Nuclear PowerPlant.The results of the study show that in emergency situations, mostly men from all regions of the country, both professional servicemen and civilians, are involved in its elimination. It has been proven that while performing their official duties, the veterans of JFO and LCCA at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant experienced mental stress. But most of them, returning home, did not seek medical treatment, prevent the development of diseasesand their complications and remained for a long time without proper medical, social and psychological care.Stattia prysviachena problemi zavershenykh suïtsydiv sered veteraniv operatsiï Ob’iednanykh syl iz zabezpechennianatsional'noï bezpeky i oborony v Donets'kiĭ ta Lugans'kiĭ oblastiakh (OOS) ta uchasnykiv likvidatsiï naslidkivavariï (ULNA) na Chornobyl's'kiĭ AES (ChAES). Predstavleno rezul'taty analizu opytuvan' rodyn ta osib z blyz'kogo otochennia veteraniv OOS, iaki skoïly zavershenyĭ suïtsyd v period 2014-2019 rokiv. Anketuvannia provodylosia v ramkakh kryminal'nykh provadzhen', vidkrytykh za faktamy samogubstv.Meta: proanalizuvaty suchasnu dynamiku suïtsydal'noï povedinky u veteraniv OOS ta vplyv psykhosotsial'nykh chynnykiv na ïï rozvytok i porivniaty z vidpovidnymy pokaznykamy v ULNA na ChAES.Materialy i metody. Predstavleno dani 175 anket, skladeno sotsial'no-demografichnu kharakterystyku ta vyznacheno psykhosotsial'ni chynnyky, shcho vplynuly na rozvytok suïtsydal'noï povedinky u veteraniv OOS. Provedenoanaliz stanu podibnykh doslidzhen' sered likvidatoriv naslidkiv avariï na ChAES.Rezul'taty. Predstavleno analiz danykh suïtsydal'noï povedinky u veteraniv OOS, vplyv na ïï rozvytok psykhosotsial'nykh chynnykiv i porivniannia z pokaznykamy v ULNA na ChAES.Vysnovky. Rezul'taty doslidzhennia svidchat', shcho v umovakh nadzvychaĭnykh sytuatsiï do ïï likvidatsiï zaluchaiut'sia perevazhno choloviky z usikh regioniv kraïny iak profesiĭni viĭs'kovosluzhbovtsi, tak i tsyvil'ni osoby. Dovedeno, shchopry vykonanni sluzhbovykh obov’iazkiv, veterany OOS ta ULNA na ChAES perezhyly zgubni dlia psykhiky stresy. Alebil'shist' z nykh, povernuvshys' dodomu, ne zvertalasia do medychnykh zakladiv dlia likuvannia, zapobigannia rozvytku khvorob ta ïkh uskladnen' i zalyshalysia tryvalyĭ chas bez nalezhnoï medyko-sotsial'noï ta psykhologichnoï dopomogy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE