Controls of the Foreland Deformation Pattern in the Orogen‐Foreland Shortening System: Constraints From High‐Resolution Geodynamic Models

Autor: Liu, Sibiao, Sobolev, Stephan V., Babeyko, Andrey Y., Pons, Michael, 2 German Research Center for Geosciences GFZ Potsdam Germany
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Tectonics
Popis: Controls on the deformation pattern (shortening mode and tectonic style) of orogenic forelands during lithospheric shortening remain poorly understood. Here, we use high‐resolution 2D thermomechanical models to demonstrate that orogenic crustal thickness and foreland lithospheric thickness significantly control the shortening mode in the foreland. Pure‐shear shortening occurs when the orogenic crust is not thicker than the foreland crust or thick, but the foreland lithosphere is thin (∼4 km) sediments that are mechanically weak (friction coefficient
Key Points: Thicknesses of the orogenic crust and the foreland lithosphere control the foreland shortening mode (pure‐shear or simple‐shear). Foreland weak sediments and the upper lithosphere of the weaker orogen control the foreland tectonic style (thin‐skinned or thick‐skinned). High‐resolution geodynamic models successfully reproduce foreland deformation patterns in several natural orogen‐foreland shortening systems.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Databáze: OpenAIRE