Penetration of pit and fissure sealants into conditioned human enamel in vivo

Autor: L.W. Ripa, A.J. Gwinnett
Rok vydání: 1973
Zdroj: Archives of Oral Biology. 18:435-IN11
ISSN: 0003-9969
Popis: Sealant penetration into enamel has been previously observed on extracted teeth. Such penetration is believed significant in the formation of bonds between resin and enamel. Since penetration in vivo might be influenced by the moist oral environment and the presence of dental fluid, a study of the penetration of two sealants into enamel was made under clinical conditions. Serial, ground sections were prepared through both deciduous and permanent teeth sealed with either a methyl-2-cyanoacrylate composition or a formulation polymerized by u.v. light. Such sections demonstrated tags of resin indicating successful penetration into acid-conditioned enamel surface in vivo. The tag distribution and length were variable, averaging approximately 25 μm in length. Resin penetration in deep, narrow fissures was frequently incomplete because of material not removed by prophylaxis. Shallow fissures were well filled with resin. It was concluded that adhesive sealant penetration into conditioned enamel is not simply a laboratory phenomenon but can be equated with the clinical successes reported.
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