Computational Modeling Of Vascular Growth In Patient-Specific Pulmonary Arterial Patch Reconstructions

Autor: S Samaneh Lashkarinia, Kerem Pekkan, Gursan Coban, Ece Salihoğlu, Banu Kose
Přispěvatelé: İstinye Üniversitesi, Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi, Yazılım Mühendisliği Bölümü, Gürsan Çoban / 0000-0001-8057-8408, Çoban, Gürsan
Rok vydání: 2021
ISSN: 0006-2626
Popis: PubMed: 3540217 Recent progress in vascular growth mechanics has involved the use of computational algorithms toaddress clinical problems with the use of three-dimensional patient specific geometries. The objectiveof this study is to establish a predictive computational model for the volumetric growth of pulmonaryarterial (PA) tissue following complex cardiovascular patch reconstructive surgeries for congenital heartdisease patients. For the first time in the literature, the growth mechanics and performance of artificialcardiovascular patches in contact with the growing PA tissue domain is established. An elastic-growing material model was developed in the open source FEBio software suite to first examine the sur-gical patch reconstruction process for an idealized main PA anatomy as a benchmark model and then forthe patient-specific PA of a newborn. Following patch reconstruction, high levels of stress and strain arecompensated by growth on the arterial tissue. As this growth progresses, the arterial tissue is predicted tostiffen to limit elastic deformations. We simulated this arterial growth up to the age of 18 years, whensomatic growth plateaus. Our research findings show that the non-growing patch material remains ina low strain state throughout the simulation timeline, while experiencing high stress hot-spots.Arterial tissue growth along the surgical stitch lines is triggered mainly due to PA geometry and bloodpressure, rather than due to material property differences in the artificial and native tissue. Thus, non-uniform growth patterns are observed along the arterial tissue proximal to the sutured boundaries.This computational approach is effective for the pre-surgical planning of complex patch surgeries toquantify the unbalanced growth of native arteries and artificial non-growing materials to develop opti-mal patch biomechanics for improved postoperative outcomes. WOS:000626266300011 3540217 Q3
Databáze: OpenAIRE