Additional file 2 of Rationale and design of the Novel Uses of adaptive Designs to Guide provider Engagement in Electronic Health Records (NUDGE-EHR) pragmatic adaptive randomized trial: a trial protocol

Autor: Lauffenburger, Julie C., Isaac, Thomas, Trippa, Lorenzo, Punam Keller, Robertson, Ted, Glynn, Robert J., Sequist, Thomas D., Kim, Dae H., Fontanet, Constance P., Castonguay, Edward W. B., Haff, Nancy, Barlev, Renee A., Mufaddal Mahesri, Chandrashekar Gopalakrishnan, Niteesh K. Choudhry
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13543862.v1
Popis: Additional file 2: Supplement 2, eFigure 1 Provider tapering information and talking points embedded in enhanced alerts. Supplement 2, eFigure 2 SmartSet order set embedded within enhanced alerts. Supplement 2, eFigure 3 Enhanced encounter opening alert used in Arms 2, 6, and 10. Supplement 2, eFigure 4 Arm 3: Enhanced order entry alert + follow-up message. Supplement 2, eFigure 5 Arm 7: Simplified enhanced order entry alert. Supplement 2, eFigure 6 Arms 9 and 10: Sign-off approval alert that triggers to providers when electronically signing off on refill medications ordered by support staff. Supplement 2, eFigure 7 Arm 11: Pre-commitment/consistency alert + enhanced order entry alert. Supplement 2, eFigure 8 Arm 13: Enhanced order entry alert with different risk framing. Supplement 2, eFigure 9 Arm 15: Non-enhanced order entry alert. Supplement 2, eTable 1 Behavioral principles in electronic health record tools tested in regression model.
Databáze: OpenAIRE