Hospital infections and predominant pathogens in multidisciplinary intensive care unit in an upper middle income country
Autor: | Zoran Karlović, Dajana Vladić, Marko Mihalj, Boris Matić |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok vydání: | 2019 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Infektološki glasnik Volume 39 Issue 3 |
ISSN: | 1848-7769 1331-2820 |
Popis: | Uvod: Cilj je ovog istraživanja utvrditi pojavnost bolničkih infekcija u multidisciplinarnoj jedinici za intenzivno liječenje (JIL) Sveučilišne kliničke bolnice Mostar i ustanoviti koji su patogeni mikroorganizmi najčešći uzročnici istih. Ispitanici i metode: U ovu retrospektivnu studiju uključeni su pacijenti hospitalizirani u JIL-u duže od 48 sati, u razdoblju od 1.1.2017. do 31.12.2017. godine. Za analizu su korišteni uzorci hemokultura, urinokultura i bronhoaspirata koji su uzimani 48 sata nakon prijema bolesnika u JIL. Svi su podaci preuzeti iz informacijskog bolničkog sustava, a za analizu su korištene deskriptivne statističke metode. Rezultati: Od ukupno 644 bolesnika primljenih u JIL u datom razdoblju, 277 je odgovaralo postavljenim kriterijima, od kojih je pak 70 (25,27%) sa stopom 33,3/1000 bolesničkih dana bilo s potvrđenom bolničkom infekcijom (BI). Od navedenih bolesnika, 13 (18,57%) je imalo infekciju dvaju organskih sustava, dok su kod 5 (7,15%) bolesnika klinički uzročnici dokazani u trima organskim sustavima. Prevladavale su infekcije respiratornog sustava (54,84%) – sa stopom 18,3/1000, potom infekcije mokraćnog sustava (26,88%) – sa stopom 8,9/1000, a najrjeđe su dokazane infekcije krvotoka (18,28%) – sa stopom 6,1/1000. Acinetobacter baumannii i Pseudomonas aeruginosa bili su najčešći uzročnici respiratornih infekcija i infekcija krvotoka. Najčešći uzročnici urinarnih infekcija su Enterococcus spp i Candida albicans. Zaključak: Bolničke infekcije značajan su zdravstveni problem koji povećava morbiditet i mortalitet bolesnika, naročito u jedinicama za intenzivno liječenje te je, stoga, potrebno poduzeti značajne mjere kako bi se smanjila njihova učestalost. Prema rezultatima našeg istraživanja, zastupljenost infekcija respiratornog sustava u JIL-u viša je nego u većini drugih sličnih istraživanja. Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of hospital infections in the multidisciplinary intensive care unit (ICU) of the Mostar University Clinical Hospital and the most common pathogenic microorganisms causing them. Methods: This retrospective study involved patients admitted to the ICU for more than 48 hours, from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017. Blood cultures, urinary cultures and bronchial aspirate samples were used for analysis, taken 48 hours after admission to the ICU. All data were collected from the information hospital system, and descriptive statistical methods were used for the purpose of conducting the analysis. Results: Out of 644 patients admitted to the ICU in the given period, 277 were included in our study, out of whom 70 (25.27%), with a rate of 33.3/1000 hospital days, had at least one confirmed hospital infection. Altogether 13 patients (18.57%) had an infection in two organ systems, while 5 (7.15%) patients had positive microbiological samples in three organ systems. Predominant clinical form of infections in these patients were respiratory infections (54.84%) – with a rate of 18.3/1000, then urinary tract infections (26.88%) – with a rate of 8.9/1000 and bloodstream infections (18.28%) – with a rate of 6.1/1000. Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were the most common cause of respiratory and bloodstream infections, while urinary infections were caused mostly by Enterococcus spp and Candida albicans. Conclusion: Hospital infections remain a major health problem that increases the morbidity and mortality of patients, especially in intensive care units and therefore, significant measures should be taken to reduce their incidence. Respiratory infections in our ICU are the most common, with higher incidence rate than in most other similar studies. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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