Habroconus mayi

Autor: de Lima, Marcos Silva, Silva, Fernanda dos Santos, Simone, Luiz Ricardo Lopes, Salvador, Rodrigo Brincalepe, Guilherme, Edson
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5465054
Popis: Habroconus mayi (F.C. Baker, 1913) Figure 5O–Q Guppya mayi Baker 1913: 632, pl. 21, figs. 6, 7. Material examined. Brazil • Acre, Porto Acre, HFR; 09° 45′54″S, 067°68′34″W; 12.I.2017; M. Lima leg.; 2, UFAC 715. Identification. The present specimens were collected in 2017, on a trip previous to the actual main collection effort. They can be identified by their delicate, brown, translucent, conical shell, which lacks a strong angulation on the body whorl (Baker 1913). This record, the first from Acre, extends the species distribution circa 250 km to the west. Genetic data. CO1, MW 033970; 16S, MW 035046; ITS2+28S, MW 045521; from voucher specimen UFAC 715. Type locality. Camp 39, 284km above Porto Velho(Rondônia state) along Madeira-Mamoré Railroad, Brazil. Distribution. Northern Rondônia state and possibly southern Amazonas state, Brazil (Simone 2006).
Published as part of de Lima, Marcos Silva, Silva, Fernanda dos Santos, Simone, Luiz Ricardo Lopes, Salvador, Rodrigo Brincalepe & Guilherme, Edson, 2021, Terrestrial gastropods of Reserva Florestal Humaitá, southwestern Brazilian Amazon, pp. 269-281 in Check List 17 (1) on page 278, DOI: 10.15560/17.1.269
{"references":["Baker F (1913) The land and freshwater mollusks of Stanford Expedition to Brazil. Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 65: 618 - 672.","Simone LRL (2006) Land and freshwater molluscs of Brazil. Editora Grafica Bernardi & Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisas do Estado de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 399 pp."]}
Databáze: OpenAIRE