A Comparative Three- and Bi-dimensional Research of the Marginal Fit of Pressed Lithium Disilicate Inlays

Autor: Alexandru Victor Burde, Camelia Szuhanek, Meda Lavinia Negrutiu, Adrian Florea, Cristian Berece, Sorana Baciu, Marius Manole, Virgil-Florin Duma, Cosmin Sinescu
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
ISSN: 2668-8212
DOI: 10.37358/rc.17.6.5665
Popis: The replacement of classical fillings, especially in the posterior area with different types of inlays has become a common solution used in order to improve all parameters which insure a long lasting treatment. Vrious ceramic materials and systems are available, but so far an ideal ceramic material suited for all clinical situations, has not been found. The range of ceramic materials as: lithium disilicate, aluminum oxide, zirconium oxide and hybrid ceramics enhance the possibilities of using ceramic inalys in various clinical situations. Marginal adaptation is one of the most important conditions for long-term success for any type of material. The marginal discrepancy of fixed restorations is one of the main factors which lead to failure of the prosthetic treatment.The purpose of the present study is to compare a 2D and 3D method for evaluating the marginal fit for pressed lithium dislicate inlays (Emax). The two used methods were: SEM- electronic microscopy and micro CT.
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