Enhanced expression of ncc1 and clc2c in the kidney and urinary bladder accompanies freshwater acclimation in Mozambique tilapia

Autor: Nastasia Nelson, Andre P. Seale, Cody K. Petro-Sakuma, Fritzie T. Celino-Brady, Jason P. Breves, Victor Koltenyuk
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol
ISSN: 1531-4332
Popis: Euryhaline fishes maintain hydromineral balance in a broad range of environmental salinities via the activities of multiple osmoregulatory organs, namely the gill, gastrointestinal tract, skin, kidney, and urinary bladder. Teleosts residing in freshwater (FW) environments are faced with the diffusive loss of ions and the osmotic gain of water, and, therefore, the kidney and urinary bladder reabsorb Na(+) and Cl(−) to support the production of dilute urine. Nonetheless, the regulated pathways for Na(+) and Cl(−) transport by euryhaline fishes, especially in the urinary bladder, have not been fully resolved. Here, we first investigated the ultrastructure of epithelial cells within the urinary bladder of FW-acclimated Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) by electron microscopy. We then investigated whether tilapia employ Na(+)/Cl(−) cotransporter 1 (Ncc1) and Clc family Cl(−) channel 2c (Clc2c) for the reabsorption of Na(+) and Cl(−) by the kidney and urinary bladder. We hypothesized that levels of their associated gene transcripts vary inversely with environmental salinity. In whole kidney and urinary bladder homogenates, ncc1 and clc2c mRNA levels were markedly higher in steady-state FW-versus SW (seawater)-acclimated tilapia. Following transfer from SW to FW, ncc1 and clc2c in both the kidney and urinary bladder were elevated within 48 h. A concomitant increase in branchial ncc2, and decreases in Na(+)/K(+)/2Cl(−) cotransporter 1a (nkcc1a) and cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator 1 (cftr1) levels indicated a transition from Na(+) and Cl(−) secretion to absorption by the gills in parallel with the identified renal and urinary bladder responses to FW transfer. Our findings suggest that Ncc1 and Clc2c contribute to the functional plasticity of the kidney and urinary bladder in tilapia.
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