Test Recommendation for Service Validation in 5G Networks

Autor: Touloupos Marios, Kapassa, Evgenia, Kyriazis, Dimosthenis, Papadaki, Maria, Klitos Chrostodoulou
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3626793
Popis: System Testing is the testing of a fully integrated software, as well as a series of different tests whose purpose is to exercise the full computer-based system. Software testing though, is an arduous and expensive activity. In the context of manual testing, any effort to reduce the test execution time and to increase defect findings is welcome. One of the biggest challenges in the upcoming 5G era is the validation and verification of VNFs and NSs, so that operators can be sure of their behavior in different execution environments. 5G technologies as well as SDNs are already introducing great challenges in the field service validation, testing and optimization of the underlying network. Considering the above, we propose a recommendation system acting as a Decision Support Mechanism integrated in an SDN environment. Its purpose is the proposition of tests to the software developers towards a stable NS ready to be deployed to the production environment.
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