Nanomembrane: A New MEMS/NEMS Building Block

Autor: Jovan Matovic, Metallurgy Belgrade
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Micro Electronic and Mechanical Systems
Popis: Since nanomembranes are a novel concept which extends the range of MEMS & NEMS building blocks and practically introduces a new one, this means that whole branches of science and technology can be re-read and re-created through it, which may create an enormous number of novel applications. Nanomembranes need to be incorporated into coherent and ambitious programs of nanotechnology research, with aggressive funding and awareness-increasing campaigns. A care should be taken at that both about the fundamental and the applied aspects of research, since the recent developments clearly indicate that the field may have many promises and even surprises in stock. A development of a novel technology or concept very rarely follows a smooth and gradual trend. Much more often one encounters an abrupt surge in development after the necessary conditions are met, not only scientific and technological, but also social and economic. In our opinion such is the situation with nanomembranes at the beginning of the 21st Century.
Databáze: OpenAIRE