Study of Eclipsing Binary and Multiple Systems in OB Associations V: MQ Cen in Crux OB1

Autor: Miloslav Zejda, Selçuk Bilir, Hicran Bakiş, Jan Janík, Jiří Liška, Zdeněk Mikulášek, Volkan Bakiş, Christian Nitschelm, Efecan Tunc
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1906.01913
Popis: The early-type massive binary MQ Cen (P$_{orb}$=3.7 d) has been investigated by means of high-resolution ($R\sim48\,000$) spectral analysis and multi-band (Johnson $BVRI$ and Str\"{o}mgren $vby$) light curve modeling. The physical parameters of the components have been found to be $M_1= 4.26\pm0.10$ M$_{\odot}$, $R_1= 3.72\pm0.05 $R$_{\odot}$, $T_{\rm eff1}=16\,600\pm520$ K, and $M_2= 5.14\pm0.09 $M$_{\odot}$, $R_2= 7.32\pm0.03 $R$_{\odot}$, $T_{\rm eff2}=15\,000\pm500$ K for the primary and secondary, respectively. The orbital inclination is $i=87.0\pm0.2$ deg. The distance to MQ Cen has been derived to be $d=2\,460\pm310$ pc which locates it in the Crux OB1 association. However, the age of MQ~Cen ($\sim70$ Myr) is higher than the one reported for the Crux OB1 association ($\sim$6 Myr). The derived masses are implying a spectral type of B5 for the primary and B4 for the secondary component. Nevertheless, the secondary component, which is more massive, appears to be cooler than the primary component: It has completed its lifetime on the main-sequence and it is now positioned at the turn-off point of the giant branch, meanwhile the less massive primary component is still staying on the main-sequence.
Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures and 4 tables, accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science
Databáze: OpenAIRE