Variations in the Beta-Glucuronidase Activity of Tuberculous Pleural Effusions

Autor: S.H. Lawrence
Rok vydání: 1953
Zdroj: Diseases of the Chest. 23:390-396
ISSN: 0096-0217
DOI: 10.1378/chest.23.4.390
Popis: 1) Determinations of Beta-glucuronidase activity were done on specimens of fluid from all chest aspirations of tuberculous patients at this hospital during the period of study. 2) Many of these effusions contained pus cells in sufficient quantity to appear turbid. The glucuronidase activity appeared roughly proportional to the turbidity. 3) In certain clear fluids the glucuronidase activity seemed to be in osmotic equilibrium with the blood serum. The activity of others, however, rose high above that of the blood serum, and some speculations were presented regarding the source of this extra glucuronidase activity. 4) As long as fluid remained clear, the glucuronidase activity seemed to be higher in effusions of short duration than in those of long standing. 5) Certain clear fluids had a very high activity out of proportion to others of their age. 6) No correlation could be seen between the glucuronidase activity and the presence of the tubercle bacillus in the fluid.
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