Evolutionary inventive problem-solving in biology and architecture: ArchiTRIZ and Material-Ontology

Autor: Defne Sunguroğlu Hensel, Julian F. V. Vincent
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Intelligent Buildings International
Popis: Phenotypic similarity between unrelated organisms, known as convergence, is a result of shared problems of adaptation to similar environments and limited ecological range. Their separate genetic histories imply a developmental route to biological innovation. Convergence as a model of evolutionary change has been applied to biological evolutionary reasoning and functional studies. We propose its application to biologically driven convergence for innovations in design. This route necessitates at least the comparability of architecture with biology on three levels: (1) evolutionary design reasoning (2) convergence of design solutions and (3) ecological niche concept. These combine in ArchiTRIZ, which is introduced as a derivative of TRIZ (a Russian system of inventive problem-solving) in architecture. We are building an ontology of convergence based on wood and ceramics on a ArchiTRIZ model framework called Material-Ontology [MatOnt]. As a computational design tool, MatOnt can activate systematic transfer of...
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