Thromboprophylaxis in Cancer Surgery

Autor: David Gozzard, David Warwick
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Handbook of Thromboprophylaxis ISBN: 9783319211473
Handbook of Thromboprophylaxis ISBN: 9781907673092
Popis: The presence of cancer, overt or occult, is thrombogenic to the individual. This has been recognised from the time of Armand Trousseau who, in 1865 [1], stated: “I have long been struck with the frequency with which cancerous patients are affected with painful oedema of the superior or inferior extremities, whether or not either was the seat of the cancer. The frequent occurrence of phlegmasia alba dolens with an appreciable cancerous tumour, led me to the inquiry of whether a relationship of cause and effect did not exist between the two”. This observation is classically associated with pancreatic carcinoma but other tumours, particularly adenocarcinomas, can also cause it. Trousseau correctly diagnosed it in himself scarcely 18 months later and died of stomach cancer in 1867 [2].
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