Transformational Leadership and School Management in Educational Institutions primary

Autor: Danitza Luisa Sardon Ari
Jazyk: Spanish; Castilian
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Revista de Investigaciones Altoandinas, Volume: 19, Issue: 3, Pages: 295-304, Published: SEP 2017
Popis: RESUMEN La investigacion tuvo el proposito de determinar la relacion que existe entre el tipo de liderazgo transformacional utilizado por el director y la gestion escolar en instituciones educativas primarias que aplican el enfoque ambiental, de la ciudad de Ilave, Puno en el ano 2016. El tipo de investigacion fue basico, con un diseno no experimental transeccional correlacional. Se considero una muestra de 118 docentes que representaron a la poblacion total de docentes de las 04 instituciones educativas primarias de la zona urbana de la ciudad de Ilave. La obtencion de datos se realizo durante los meses de marzo y abril. Los resultados muestran una correlacion significativa entre las dimensiones del tipo de liderazgo transformacional y la gestion escolar; asi la motivacion inspiradora tuvo un valor r = 0.492; la estimulacion intelectual alcanzo un valor r = 0.72, la influencia idealizada un valor r = 0.59; la consideracion individualizada tuvo un valor r = 0.62 y la actuacion del director obtuvo un valor r = 0.534. La investigacion permite concluir en que existe una correlacion positiva moderada entre el liderazgo transformacional y la gestion escolar obtenida en la prueba estadistica, r = 0.681. PALABRAS CLAVES : Compromisos de gestion, estimulacion, motivacion, transformacional, transaccional. ABSTRACT The research aimed to determine the relationship between the transformational leadership style used by the director and school management in primary educational institutions that apply the environmental approach at the city of Ilave, Puno in 2016. The type of research was basic, with a non-experimental cross-sectional correlational design. It was considered a sample of 118 teachers who represented the total teachers population of the 04 primary educational institutions at the urban area of the city of Ilave. Data collection was carried out during the months of March and April. The results show a significant correlation between the dimensions of the type of transformational leadership and school management; thus the inspirational motivation had a value r = 0.492; the intellectual stimulation reached a value r = 0.72, the idealized influence a value r = 0.59; the individualized consideration had a value r = 0.62 and the performance of the director obtained a value r = 0.534. The research allows to conclude that there is a moderate positive correlation between the transformational leadership and the school management obtained in the statistical test, r = 0.681. KEYWORDS : Commitments of management, stimulation, motivation, transformational, cross-sectional.
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