Scanning a Photonic Crystal Slab Nanocavity by Condensation of Xenon for Cavity QED Experiments

Autor: Galina Khitrova, Oleg B. Shchekin, B. C. Richards, Dennis G. Deppe, Axel Scherer, Hyatt M. Gibbs, Tomoyuki Yoshie, S. Mosor, Julian Sweet, Joshua R. Hendrickson
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Frontiers in Optics.
DOI: 10.1364/fio.2005.pdp_a2
Popis: Condensing xenon gas onto a quantum dot photonic crystal slab nanocavity at 10-25K produces a shift of the nanocavity mode wavelength b; much as 5nm. Strong coupling anticrossing curves were obtained using this technique.
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