Validation of the French version of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture questionnaire

Autor: Marion Kret, Jean-Luc Quenon, P. Occelli, Claverie O, P. Michel, Pierre Parneix, Castets-Fontaine B, Sandrine Domecq, René Amalberti, Delaperche F, Yves Auroy
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 25:459-468
ISSN: 1464-3677
DOI: 10.1093/intqhc/mzt047
Popis: Objective To assess the psychometric properties of the French version of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture questionnaire (HSOPSC) and study the hierarchical structure of the measured dimensions. Design Cross-sectional survey of the safety culture. Setting 18 acute care units of seven hospitals in South-western France. Participants Full- and part-time healthcare providers who worked in the units. Interventions None. Main outcome measures Item responses measured with 5-point agreement or frequency scales. Data analyses A principal component analysis was used to identify the emerging components. Two structural equation modeling methods [LInear Structural RELations (LISREL) and Partial Least Square (PLS)] were used to verify the model and to study the relative importance of the dimensions. Internal consistency of the retained dimensions was studied. A test–retest was performed to assess reproducibility of the items. Results Overall response rate was 77% ( n = 401). A structure in 40 items grouped in 10 dimensions was proposed. The LISREL approach showed acceptable data fit of the proposed structure. The PLS approach indicated that three dimensions had the most impact on the safety culture: ‘Supervisor/manager expectations & actions promoting safety’ ‘Organizational learning—continuous improvement’ and ‘Overall perceptions of safety’. Internal consistency was above 0.70 for six dimensions. Reproducibility was considered good for four items. Conclusions The French HSOPSC questionnaire showed acceptable psychometric properties. Classification of the dimensions should guide future development of safety culture improving action plans.
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