Plumolepilius velizi Barrios-Izas 2020, new species

Autor: Barrios-Izás, Manuel A.
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3795110
Popis: Plumolepilius velizi Barrios-Iz��s, new species (Figs. 145���154, 166) D5C23730-A137-458F-8094-FDDCEFD524A0 Diagnosis: Male. Length (1.50���2.00 mm). Width (0.87���1.44 mm). Subovate; cuticle dark brown, legs, apex of rostrum, scape and funiculus orange. Vestiture of recumbent ochreous to brown scales, appressed in mesanepisternum and mesepimeron. Head and rostrum up to antennal insertion covered with scales, dorsal surface of basal half of rostrum rugose, apical half finely punctated with sparse setae; scrobes lateroventral, reaching the margin of eyes, antenna inserted in middle of rostrum, scape clavate, as long as desmomeres 1 to 3 together, desmomeres 1 and 2 subequal in length, twice as long as desmomeres 3 to 7 separately, antennal club setose. Pronotum oval, transverse, annulate in anterior margin, deeply punctate, narrower than elytra; postocular lobes present, bearing vibrissae. Elytra with humeri laterally produced, punctate-striate, basal half with several scabrous tubercles, base of declivity with two big tubercles at interstice 4, stria 10 complete. Abdominal ventrites punctate, abdominal ventrite 1 and 2 fused on disk, abdominal ventrites 3 and 4 together shorter than abdominal ventrite 2, apex of abdominal ventrite 5 rounded, depressed and smooth. Metanepisternal suture swollen. Femora armed with small spine, tibiae uncinate. Pedon short, strong, 1.3X longer than wider, apex triangular, rounded at tip; temones 3.1X longer than pedon; genital sclerite thin, elongate, as long as manubrium or longer. Female. Length (1.62���2.30 mm). Width (1.00��� 1.50 mm). As for the male except body tinged with brown, red and yellow; rostrum bare beyond the basal 1/8; elytral humeri rounded, tubercles smaller. Geographic Distribution. Honduras (El Para��so and Francisco Moraz��n). Derivation of the specific name. Patronym, named after Mario E. Veliz, a botanist at San Carlos University, Guatemala City, Guatemala. Material examined: 191♂♂, 170♀♀ (ASUCOB, BMNH, CMNC, EAPZ, MNCN, USNM). Holotype ♂ (CMNC): HONDURAS: Francisco Morazan, Cerro Uyuca, ca. 10km.W.Zamorano, 6.VI.1994 -101, 1840- 1910m, R. Anderson, cloud forest litter berlese / Holotype ♂ Plumolepilius velizi Barrios-Iz��s sp. nov. Aedeagus extract- ed. Paratypes: same data as holotype (12♂♂ 11♀♀, CMNC, 1♂ 1♀ BMNH). Same data except for 27.VI.1994 - 135, 1840m (4♂♂ 2♀♀, CMNC). HONDURAS: El Par., 19km. NW. El Zamorano, July28, 1977 C.W. O���Brien & Marshall (2♂♂ 1♀, ASUCOB). HONDURAS: Francisco Morazan, P.N. La Tigra, 23.2km N. Tegucigalpa, 1950m., 29.VI.1994 -139, R. Anderson, oak cloud forest litt. berl. (31♂♂ 34♀♀, CMNC, 1♂ 1♀, BMNH, 1♂ 1♀, MNCN, 2♂♂ 2♀♀, USNM). Same data except for 21.6km 15.VIII.1994 -203A, oak forest litter berlese (2♀♀). HONDU RAS: Francisco Morazan, La Tigra NP, 23.2km N Tegucigalpa, 2100m, 7.VI.1994, R.Anderson, cloud-forest litter, ex: berl., 94 (9♂♂ 3♀♀, CMNC). HONDURAS: Francisco Morazan, La Tigra NP, 23km N Tegucigalpa, Esperanza Trail, 2100m, 15.VIII.1994, S. Peck, wet cloud forest litter, 94-30 (2♀♀, CMNC). HONDURAS: Francisco Morazan, Cerro Uyuca, ca. 10km W. Zamorano, 1840m, 30.VI.1994 -140, R. Anderson, cloud forest litter berlese (3♂♂ 10♀♀, CMNC). Same data except for 9.VI.1994 -105 (7♂♂ 5♀♀, CMNC). Same data except for cloud for., beat dead branches (1♂, CMNC). HONDURAS: Francisco Morazan, P. N. La Tigra, 23.2km. N. Tegucigalpa, 1910m., 7.VI.1994 -104. R. Anderson oak forest litter berlese (12♂♂, CMNC). Same data except for 2100m (33♂♂ 19♀♀, CMNC 6♂♂ 6♀♀ EAPZ). HONDURAS: Francisco Morazan, La Tigra NP, 23.2km N Tegucigalpa, 2100m, 8.VI.1994, R. Anderson, cloud-forest litter, ex:berl., 94-104 (6♀♀, CMNC). HONDURAS: Francisco Morazan, Reserva Uyuca, 4.9km WNW Zamo- rano, 1840m, 14.02821��N 87.07208��W, 24 Sept 2008, M.G. Branstetter, cloud forest MGB-1036 (2♂♂ 3♀♀, CMNC). HONDURAS: Francisco Morazan, Reserva Uyuca, 4.9km WNW Zamorano, 1850m, 14.02796��N 87.07139��W, 24 Sept 2008, M.G. Branstetter, cloud forest MGB-1037 (5♂♂ 4♀♀, CMNC). Same data and also WWD0014052 (1♀, CMNC). HONDURAS: Francisco Morazan, Reserva Uyuca, 4.8km WNW Zamorano, 1900m, 14.02695��N 87.07077��W, 24 Sept 2008, M.G. Branstetter, oak forest MGB-1043 (1♀, CMNC). HONDURAS: Francisco Morazan, P.N. La Tigra, 2.6km SE San Juancito, 1870m, 14.21778��N 87.09101��W, 25 Sept 2008, M.G. Branstetter, mesic forest MGB-1047 (13♂♂ 7♀♀, CMNC). HONDURAS: Francisco Morazan, P.N. La Tigra, 3.2km SE San Juancito, 1850m, 14.21145��N 87.09328��W, 25 Sept 2008, M.G. Branstetter, mesic forest MGB-1050 (13♂♂ 5♀♀, CMNC). HONDU- RAS: Francisco Morazan, P.N. La Tigra, 3.6km SE San Juancito, 1830m, 14.20731��N 87.09428��W, 25 Sept 2008, M.G. Branstetter, mesic forest MGB-1051 (7♂♂ 13♀♀, CMNC). HONDURAS: Francisco Morazan, P.N. La Tigra, 22.2km. N. Tegucigalpa, 15.VIII.1994 -202, 2030m, R. Anderson, transition cloud forest litter berlese (2♂♂ 4♀♀, CMNC). Same data except for 23.2km, 15.VIII.1994 -201, 2100m, cloud forest litter berlese (21♂♂ 20♀♀, CMNC, 2♂♂ 2♀♀, ASUCOB). HONDURAS: Francisco Morazan, La Tigra NP, 22.2km N Tegucigalpa, 2030m, 15.VIII.1994, R. Anderson, transition cloud forest litter berlese, ex: berl. 94-202 (3♀♀, CMNC). Same data except for 23.2km N, Tegucigalpa, 2100m, 15.VIII.1994, R. Anderson, cloud-forest litter, ex: berl., 94-201 (2♀♀, CMNC). HONDURAS: Francisco Morazan, Cerro Uyuca, ca. 10km.W. Zamorano, 10-27.VI.1994 -#218, 1870m, Ashe & Brooks, cloud forest FIT (1♂, CMNC). Same data except for 6-9.VI.1994 -#49 (1♀, CMNC).
Published as part of Barrios-Iz��s, Manuel A., 2020, Taxonomy of the weevil genus Plumolepilius Barrios-Iz��s & Anderson (Coleoptera Curculionidae: Molytinae: Conotrachelini): new species from Central America, pp. 151-192 in Zootaxa 4768 (2) on pages 186-187, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4768.2.1,
Databáze: OpenAIRE