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The main objective of this deliverable, aside from explaining the DUNSconceptualization and development process, is to demonstrate how this service can be integrated and useful in other Cos4Cloud services, such as Cos4Bio (a service thatintegrates biodiversity observations from multiple COs in one place). Wealso want to show how DUNS can provide an additional data flow to a citizen scienceportal such as Natusfera, enriching the portal's information with the goal of improving the community and retaining the people who are part of it and who contributeinformation with their observations.It is important to note that DUNS is a service that will be available on the EOSC Portal athttps://marketplace.eosc-portal.eu/services/. The objective is that DUNS could beintegrated into all Citizen Observatories that want to be part of Cos4Bio, and in this waythey can receive notifications of use of each and every observation that expertsdownload and use on other platforms through Cos4Bio. Deliverable related toDUNSservice.  |