Management of thermal and mechanic flow characteristics in the output channels of a turbocharger centrifugal compressor

Autor: Yu. M. Brodov, Leonid Plotnikov, B. P. Zhilkin
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Popis: It is known that the thermal and mechanical characteristics of the air flow in the output channel of a turbocharger compressor largely determine the effectiveness of the gas exchange processes quality of a piston engine. The studies were carried out on an experimental installation containing a turbocharger, output channels of different configurations, a measuring base, and a data collection system. It was found that stabilization of the flow in the compressor output channel leads to a significant increase in heat transfer intensity (up to 25 %) compared to the baseline pipeline while simultaneously reducing the turbulence number by up to 30 %. A more significant increase in heat transfer intensity (up to 30 %) was observed in the output channel of the compressor with grooves compared to the base channel while simultaneously increasing the turbulence number by up to 12 %. The proposed configuration of the output channels of the compressor can be used to intensify heat transfer for the natural cooling of the air during the intake process. The configuration with a leveling grid can be used to stabilize the gas-dynamic flow parameters in order to reduce the hydraulic resistance of the intake system of a turbocharged engine. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 18-79-10003 The work has been supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No. 18-79-10003).
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