Le massif des ocres : de l'industrie au tourisme durable

Autor: Stéphane Legal, Christine Balme, Matthieu Barrois, Dominique Péréssinotti
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Périodiques Scientifiques en Édition Électronique.
Popis: The ochre outcrop is located in the south east of France, in the heart of the regional natural park of Luberon, European and Global Geopark. This major geosite shows special red and yellow sandstones formed in tropical conditions 100 million years ago. They also are "islands" of siliceous rocks supporting the development of calcifuges plants. The physical and chemical properties of the ochre sandstones have been at the origin of an industry that has developed in the nineteenth and twentieth century. The ochre outcrop has contributed to the economic growth of the region for over a century. Since the 1930's, the activity has declined ; a single open air quarry is still operated today by the Société des Ocres de France. The ochre outcrop consists in a natural and cultural outstanding landscape of high quality, gathering together geological, ecological, historical and economical interests. The site was designated as a protected area (Site classé) in 2002 under the leadership of the Parc naturel régional du Luberon. Since the 1950's, tourism has developed in the municipalities included in the ochre outcrop territory with many individual or collective intitiatives : Conservatoire des ocres et de la couleur (Conservatory of ochres and color, Roussillon, Vaucluse, 35.000 visitors), Mines de Bruoux (Bruoux ancient mines, Gargas, Vaucluse, 22.000 vis.), Ochre path in Roussillon, the path of Roussillon, (300.000 vis.), Colorado Provencal, Rustrel (130.000 vis.). Today, the attendance in the ochre outcrop is estimated at more than 600.000 visitors per year. Despite a worldwide reputation as a tourism destination, the ochre outcrop does not benefit from recognition as a whole but as individual actions. The Parc naturel régional du Luberon was commissioned by french state to conduct the project Operation Grand Site-ochre outcrop. Its role is to carry out the studies and to mobilize all partners, local councillors, businesses, professionals of tourism, etc. on a common project. The goal is to define, in cooperation, the prospects for coherent actions for the future years to better reveal the identity of the area around the discovery of ochre.
Situé dans le sud-est de la France, au cœur du Parc naturel régional du Luberon, le Massif des Ocres est un géosite majeur constitué de grès ocreux aux couleurs flamboyantes. A l'origine d'une industrie florissante au 19e siècle et jusqu'en 1929, les ocres de Vaucluse sont devenues un site touristique très fréquenté (plus de 600000 visiteurs par an). Aujourd'hui, sur ce site classé, à haute valeur géologique, écologique, historique et économique, se pose la question de la conservation des paysages et de l'accueil des flux de visiteurs. Une opération Grand Site de France est menée par le Parc, en concertation avec les acteurs du territoire, pour relever ce défi.
Legal Stéphane, Balme Christine, Barrois Matthieu, Péréssinotti Dominique. Le massif des ocres : de l'industrie au tourisme durable. In: Collection EDYTEM. Cahiers de géographie, numéro 15, 2013. Gestion des géosites dans les espaces protégés. pp. 143-148.
Databáze: OpenAIRE