Comparative Analysis of Farm Enterprises Performance in Two Agro-Ecological Feuding Zone of Nigeria

Autor: Bolarinwa, K.K., Oyeyinka R.A
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1079406
Popis: The two agro-ecological zones became the focus of the study because of violent nature of the incessant conflict in the zones. The available register of farmers association was the sampling frame work where ten percent (61) farmers per state were randomly sampled. Data were collected and analysed using z-test. The research findings revealed tree crops and grains production enterprises ranked higher in Osun (rain fed zones) and Taraba states (savannah zones) respectively. Osun state entrepreneur felt the effect of the conflict on their enterprises more than Tarba state. The reasons adduced for severity of the conflict on enterprises are majority (77.0%) migrated and (75.5%) of them were not allowed to enter their farms during and when conflict deescalated unlike situation in Taraba state. The different in enterprises production level between the two agroecological zone was statistically significant at p
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