Multi‐band‐ and in‐plane‐accelerated diffusion MRI enabled by model‐based deep learning in q‐space and its extension to learning in the spherical harmonic domain

Autor: Merry Mani, Vincent A. Magnotta, Girish Bathla, Baolian Yang, Mathews Jacob
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Magn Reson Med
ISSN: 1522-2594
Popis: PURPOSE: To propose a new method for the recovery of combined in-plane- and multi-band (MB)-accelerated diffusion MRI data. METHODS: Combining MB-acceleration with in-plane acceleration is crucial to improve the time-efficiency of high (angular and spatial) resolution diffusion scans. However, as the MB-factor and in-plane acceleration increase, the reconstruction becomes challenging due to the heavy aliasing. The new reconstruction utilizes an additional q-space prior to constrain the recovery, which is derived from the previously proposed qModeL framework. Specifically, the qModeL prior provides a pre-learned representation of the diffusion signal space to which the measured data belongs. We show that the pre-learned q-space prior along with a model-based iterative reconstruction that accommodate multi-band unaliasing, can efficiently reconstruct the in-plane and MB-accelerated data. The power of joint reconstruction is maximally utilized by using an incoherent under-sampling pattern in the k-q domain. We tested the proposed method on single and multi-shell data, with high/low angular resolution, high/low spatial resolution, healthy/abnormal tissues and 3T/7T field strengths. Further, the learning is extended to the spherical harmonic basis, to provide a rotational invariant learning framework. RESULTS: The qModeL joint reconstruction is shown to simultaneously unalias and jointly recover DWIs with reasonable accuracy in all the cases studied. The reconstruction error from 18-fold accelerated multi-shell datasets was < 3%. The micro-structural maps derived from the accelerated acquisitions also exhibit reasonable accuracy for both healthy and abnormal tissues. The deep learning (DL) enabled reconstructions are comparable to those derived using traditional methods. CONCLUSION: qModeL enables the joint recovery of combined in-plane- and MB- accelerated dMRI utilizing deep learning.
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