Factors for success in collaboration between high- and low-income countries: Developing a physiotherapy education programme in Sudan

Autor: Omeima Salih, Anne Brit Sorsdahl, Mildrid Haugland, Abdel Salam Salih
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: European Journal of Physiotherapy
ISSN: 2167-9169
Popis: Background This study presents an example of collaboration between two higher education institutions: one in Norway, a high-income country, and one in Sudan, a low-income country, in developing an entry-level physiotherapy education programme in Sudan. The institution in Sudan had minimal theoretical and practical knowledge in physiotherapy. The study examined the factors important for the success of the bilateral collaboration. Material and methods We analysed written documents produced in the project from 2007 to 2012 in a qualitative study by using systematic text condensation. We identified vital factors for partner institutions and participants in ensuring a physiotherapy education programme of high quality. Results These factors were within seven topics: project arrangements, collaboration relationship, curriculum development, administration of the bachelor programme, capacity building, academic community and infrastructure. Conclusion We identified several factors that we hope can be valuable for similar projects. Some factors are similar to those shown by other studies. These are probably general factors that are important for such collaboration.
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