Effects of TNF-alpha inhibitors on the number of epidermal Langerhans cells in uninvolved skin of psoriatic patients: A pilot study

Autor: Anna Michelotto, Edoardo Zattra, Mauro Alaibac, Stefano Piaserico
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Popis: Only limited data are available on the effects of TNF-alpha inhibitors on dendritic cells. However, TNF-alpha plays a central role in the biology of dendritic cells, both with regard to their maturity process and mobilization to secondary lymphoid organs. In particular, the effects of TNF-alpha inhibitors on Langerhans cells in healthy skin have never been investigated. In this pilot study, we aimed to assess the change of the density of Langerhans cells within the normal, not photo-exposed, skin of 17 psoriatic patients, before and after 16 weeks of treatment with TNF-alpha inhibitors. Most of the patients (88%) showed an increase or a similar density of Langerhans cells after 16 weeks of therapy with TNF-alpha inhibitors compared with baseline values. Only 2 patients (12%) showed a reduction of these cells following therapy with TNF-alpha inhibitors.
Databáze: OpenAIRE