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Additional file 1 Table S6 contains simulated temporal patterns for additional simulation scenarios (i) linear, (ii) logarithmic, (iii) piecewise linear monotonic, (iv) mix of the previous with one treatment effect being constant. Figures S12, S13, S14 and S15 show respective estimated profiles obtained for the B-spline, P-spline and FP models, along with true values used to simulate the data. Figure S16 shows estimated profiles for case (iii) with binary outcomes. Figure S17 shows estimated profiles for a scenario, as in the “Simulation study” section, in which temporal patterns have been generated according to the mixed treatment comparison (MTC) model. Figure S18 shows estimated profiles for a scenario in which temporal patterns have been generated from the Bayesian evidence synthesis techniques – integrated two-component prediction (BEST-ITP) model. Figure S19 illustrates the influence of a non-closed network. |