Dutch distribution zones of stable iodine tablets based on atmospheric dispersion modelling of accidental releases from nuclear power plants

Autor: Kok-Palma, Y.S., Leenders, M., Meulenbelt, J., Risk Assessment of Toxic and Immunomodulatory Agents, Dep IRAS
Přispěvatelé: Risk Assessment of Toxic and Immunomodulatory Agents, Dep IRAS
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 140(3), 234. Oxford University Press
ISSN: 1742-3406
Popis: Rapid administration of stable iodine is essential for the saturation and subsequent protection of the thyroid gland against the potential harm caused by radioiodines. This paper proposes the Dutch risk analysis that uses an atmospheric dispersion model to calculate the size of the zones around nuclear power plants where radiological thyroid doses for children might be sufficiently high to warrant iodine administration. Dose calculations for possible releases from the nuclear power plants of Borssele (The Netherlands), Doel (Belgium) and Emsland (Germany) are based on two scenarios in combination with a 1-y set of authentic, high-resolution meteorological data. The dimensions of the circular zones were defined for each nuclear power plant. In these zones, with a radius up to 50 km, distribution of stable iodine tablets is advised.
Databáze: OpenAIRE