Additional file 1 of Divergent camptothecin biosynthetic pathway in Ophiorrhiza pumila

Autor: Yang, Mengquan, Wang, Qiang, Liu, Yining, Hao, Xiaolong, Wang, Can, Liang, Yuchen, Chen, Jianbo, Xiao, Youli, Kai, Guoyin
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.14795237.v1
Popis: Additional file 1: Fig. S1. O. pumila plant materials were used for metabolite profiling. Fig. S2. Analysis of gene expression patterns and phylogenic analysis of STRs, SLSs, LAMTs enzymes in CPT biosynthesis. Fig. S3. Protein sequence alignments mentioned in this article. Fig. S4. OpLAMT assay with secologanic acid and OpSTR competion expriments. Fig. S5. The standard curve of strictosidine and strictosidinic acid. Fig. S6. The SDS-PAGE gel of purified recombinant proteins used in the chemo-enzymatic synthesis of deuterium-labeled metabolites and biochemical assay. Fig. S7. Scheme of labeled substrates synthesis. Fig. S8. Chemoenzymatic synthesis of labeled substrates. Fig. S9. Detection of d4-strictosidinic acid and d4-strictosidine in the feeding experiments in O. pumila. Fig. S10. Metabolites detection of N. nimmoniana by LC-MS. Fig. S11. Phylogenetic relationship of DNA topoisomerase I in CPT-producing and non-producing species. Table S1. Relevant Compounds Detected in O. pumila plant and hairy root. Table S2. Identification of candidate CPT biosynthetic pathway genes in O. pumila as revealed by sequence identity with characterized genes from the pre-strictosidine biosynthetic pathways in Catharanthus roseus. Table S3. Identities and similarities among STRs from C. acuminata, N. nimmoniana, and O. pumila used in this work. Table S4. Kinetic parameters of OpSTR towards secologanin and secologanic acid. Table S5. Primers list used in this study.
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