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This study investigates variations in boundary /t/ consonant deletions inEnglish among young educated Nigerians in connected speeches. Thirtystudents comprising of fifteen males and fifteen females in their third andfinal years, from the Department of English and Literary Studies at theUniversity of Nigeria, Nigeria, participated in this study. Recordings weremade of their t-deletions in selected phonetic tokens in connected speeches.All /t/ consonant deletions produced at word and morpheme boundaries in thegiven sentences for the study were identified and analysed perceptually.Labov’s Variationist theory was adopted as the theoretical framework. TheStatistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software was used for the t-test(Independent Sample Test) analysis to determine the significant differencesin the realisation of boundary /t/ consonants between the male and femalegenders. With the level of significance at 0.05, the /t/ deletion in the maleparticipants in connected speeches was more significant than that of theirfemale counterparts. |