Extraction of bare form factors for Bs →Kℓν decays in nonperturbative HQET

Autor: Rainer Sommer, Mateusz Koren, Hubert Simma, Fabio Bernardoni, Debasish Banerjee, Felix Bahr
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: International journal of modern physics / A 34(28), 1950166-(2019). doi:10.1142/S0217751X19501665
ISSN: 1793-656X
DOI: 10.1142/s0217751x19501665
Popis: We discuss the extraction of the ground state $\langle \mathrm{K} ({\bf p})|V_\mu(0)|\mathrm{B} ({\bf 0})\rangle$ matrix elements from Euclidean lattice correlation functions. The emphasis is on the elimination of excited state contributions. Two typical gauge-field ensembles with lattice spacings $0.075, \; 0.05$ fm and pion masses $330,\;270$ MeV are used from the O($a$)- improved CLS 2-flavour simulations and the final state momentum is $|{\bf p}|=0.5\,{\rm GeV}$. The b-quark is treated in HQET including the $1/m_\mathrm{b}$ corrections. Fits to two-point and three-point correlation functions and suitable ratios including summed ratios are used, yielding consistent results with precision of around 2% which is $not$ limited by the $1/m_\mathrm{b}$ corrections but by the dominating static form factors. Excited state contributions are under reasonable control but are the bottleneck towards precision. We do not yet include a specific investigation of multi-hadron contaminations, a gap in the literature which ought to be filled soon.
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