Interleukin-22 regulates B3GNT7 expression to induce fucosylation of glycoproteins in intestinal epithelial cells

Autor: Daniela J. Carroll, Mary W.N. Burns, Lynda Mottram, Daniel C. Propheter, Andrew Boucher, Gabrielle M. Lessen, Ashwani Kumar, Stacy A. Malaker, Chao Xing, Lora V. Hooper, Ulf Yrlid, Jennifer J. Kohler
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 298:101463
ISSN: 0021-9258
Popis: Interleukin (IL)-22 is a cytokine that plays a critical role in intestinal epithelial homeostasis. Its downstream functions are mediated through interaction with the heterodimeric IL-22 receptor and subsequent activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3). IL-22 signaling can induce transcription of genes necessary for intestinal epithelial cell proliferation, tissue regeneration, tight junction fortification, and antimicrobial production. Recent studies have also implicated IL-22 signaling in the regulation of intestinal epithelial fucosylation in mice. However, whether IL-22 regulates intestinal fucosylation in human intestinal epithelial cells and the molecular mechanisms that govern this process are unknown. Here, in experiments performed in human cell lines and human-derived enteroids, we show that IL-22 signaling regulates expression of the B3GNT7 transcript, which encodes a β1-3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase that can participate in the synthesis of poly-N-acetyllactosamine (polyLacNAc) chains. Additionally, we find that IL-22 signaling regulates levels of the α1-3-fucosylated Lewis X (Le
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