Human urine biomarkers of renal cell carcinoma evaluated by ClinProt

Autor: Paolo Mocarelli, Roberto A. Perego, Clizia Chinello, Francesco Rocco, Francesca Raimondo, Carmen Galbusera, Stefano Ferrero, Niccolò Bosso, Silvano Bosari, Fulvio Magni, Stefano Casellato, Stefano Picozzi, Marzia Galli Kienle, Erica Gianazza, Veronica Mainini
Přispěvatelé: Bosso, N, Chinello, C, Picozzi, S, Gianazza, E, Mainini, V, Galbusera, C, Raimondo, F, Perego, R, Casellato, S, Rocco, F, Ferrero, S, Bosari, S, Mocarelli, P, Kienle, M, Magni, F
Rok vydání: 2008
ISSN: 1862-8354
Popis: Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is one of the major causes of cancer death and is radio- and chemoresistant. Urine of 29 healthy subjects and 39 clear cell RCC patients were analyzed using the ClinProt technique to search for possible biomarkers for early RCC diagnosis. A cluster of three signals (marker A= at m/z 1827 ± 8 Da, marker B = 1914 ± 8 Da and marker C = 1968 ± 8 Da) was able to discriminate patients from controls. A receiver operating characteristic curve analysis showed values of area under the curve (AUC) higher than 0.9 for marker A and B, corresponding to a sensitivity of 85-90% and a specificity of' 90%, while marker C gave a lower AUC (0.84) corresponding to sensitivity of 70% and specificity of 100%. The combination of three markers lead to an improvement in diagnostic efficacy, with specificity and sensitivity of 100% and 95%, respectively, in the training test and of 100% and of 85% in the test experiment. The efficacy of this cluster of signals to distinguish RCC patients grouped by tumor stage showed a sensibility of 100% for patients at the primary tumor 1 stage. One ofthe signals present in the cluster was identified as a fragment of Tamm-Horsfall protein. © 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
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