Performance of the upgraded ultracold neutron source at Los Alamos National Laboratory and its implication for a possible neutron electric dipole moment experiment

Autor: S. K. L. Sjue, C. Cude-Woods, C.-Y. Liu, N. B. Callahan, Aaron Sprow, Peter Geltenbort, Stuart Macdonald, Robert W. Pattie, D. E. Fellers, D. J. Salvat, Scott Currie, Z. Tang, S. M. Clayton, J. H. Choi, Andy Saunders, Charles L. Morris, A. R. Young, Takeyasu M. Ito, Wanchun Wei, X. Ding, John Ramsey, Mark Makela, H. L. Weaver, Evan R. Adamek, Steve K. Lamoreaux, Edward I. Sharapov
Přispěvatelé: Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), ILL, Institut Laue-Langevin ( ILL )
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Accelerator Physics (physics.acc-ph)
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
Neutron electric dipole moment
Physics::Instrumentation and Detectors
[PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-ACC-PH]Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Accelerator Physics [physics.acc-ph]
Monte Carlo method
FOS: Physical sciences
[PHYS.NEXP]Physics [physics]/Nuclear Experiment [nucl-ex]
01 natural sciences
7. Clean energy
Nuclear physics
0103 physical sciences
[PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-INS-DET]Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Instrumentation and Detectors [physics.ins-det]
Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex)
[ PHYS.NEXP ] Physics [physics]/Nuclear Experiment [nucl-ex]
[ PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-ACC-PH ] Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Accelerator Physics [physics.acc-ph]
010306 general physics
Nuclear Experiment
[ PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-INS-DET ] Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Instrumentation and Detectors [physics.ins-det]
n: density
n: electric moment
010308 nuclear & particles physics
n: energy spectrum
n: particle source
Instrumentation and Detectors (physics.ins-det)
Neutron source
Physics::Accelerator Physics
Physics - Accelerator Physics
National laboratory
numerical calculations: Monte Carlo
Zdroj: Physical Review C
Physical Review C, American Physical Society, 2018, 97 (1), pp.012501. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevC.97.012501⟩
Phys.Rev.C, 2018, 97 (1), pp.012501. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevC.97.012501⟩
Phys.Rev.C, 2018, 97 (1), pp.012501. 〈10.1103/PhysRevC.97.012501〉
ISSN: 2469-9985
Popis: The ultracold neutron (UCN) source at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), which uses solid deuterium as the UCN converter and is driven by accelerator spallation neutrons, has been successfully operated for over 10 years, providing UCN to various experiments, as the first production UCN source based on the superthermal process. It has recently undergone a major upgrade. This paper describes the design and performance of the upgraded LANL UCN source. Measurements of the cold neutron spectrum and UCN density are presented and compared to Monte Carlo predictions. The source is shown to perform as modeled. The UCN density measured at the exit of the biological shield was $184(32)$ UCN/cm$^3$, a four-fold increase from the highest previously reported. The polarized UCN density stored in an external chamber was measured to be $39(7)$ UCN/cm$^3$, which is sufficient to perform an experiment to search for the nonzero neutron electric dipole moment with a one-standard-deviation sensitivity of $\sigma(d_n) = 3\times 10^{-27}$ $e\cdot$cm.
Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE