Deprivation of freedom in the course of serving prison sentence

Autor: Goran Jovanić, Vera Petrović
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Specijalna Edukacija i Rehabilitacija, Vol 17, Iss 4, Pp 477-500 (2018)
Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
ISSN: 2406-1328
Popis: Punishment in the penal system contributes to the presence of deprivation which in turn reduces the effects of correction and rehabilitation work and further complicates the reintegration process. The subject of this research is the deprivation of freedom of those sentenced to time in prison. The aim of the research was to analyze the relation between criminal-penal characteristics and the intensity of deprivation of freedom itself. The research included 307 convicts from Pančevo District Prison, Padinska Skela Detention and Rehabilitation Facility, and Sremska Mitrovica Detention and Rehabilitation Facility. These institutions represent prisons of open, semi-open and closed type. The intensity of the deprivation of freedom was determined by Deprivation of Freedom Scale. The reliability of this scale proved to be at a high level (α=0.93). Data obtained in this research indicate that the deprivation of freedom was present with almost all the convicts and that the prison type, recidivism and treatment group inclusion all influenced the intensity of deprivation of freedom, while the length of the sentence and time spent in prison were not statistically significantly related to the intensity of deprivation of freedom. Kažnjavanje u zatvorskom sistemu doprinosi nastanku deprivacija, što umanjuje efekte korektivno-rehabilitacionog rada i otežava reintegrativni proces. Predmet istraživanja je deprivacija slobode osuđenih muškaraca na zatvorsku kaznu. Cilj istraživanja je ispitivanje povezanosti kriminološko-penoloških karakteristika sa intenzitetom deprivacije slobode. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 307 osuđenih iz Okružnog zatvora Pančevo, Kazneno-popravnog zavoda Padinska Skela i Kazneno-popravnog zavoda Sremska Mitrovica. Ove ustanove su reprezenti zatvora otvorenog, poluotvorenog i zatvorenog tipa. Intenzitet deprivacije slobode je ustanovljen Skalom deprivacije slobode. Pouzdanost Skale deprivacije slobode pokazala se na visokom nivou (α=0,93). Istraživanjem su dobijeni podaci koji ukazuju da je deprivacija slobode prisutna kod gotovo svih osuđenih, te da vrsta zatvora, recidivizam i tretmanska grupa utiču na intenzitet deprivacije slobode, dok dužina izrečene kazne i vreme boravka u zatvoru nisu pokazali statistički značajnu povezanost.
Databáze: OpenAIRE