ALOGTIME and a conjecture of S.A. Cook

Autor: Peter Clote
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: [1990] Proceedings. Fifth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science.
Popis: Usingsequential, machine-independent characterization of theparallel complexity classesAC k andNC k , we establish the following conjecture of S.A. Cook. There is a free variable equational logicALV with the property thatif f, g are function symbols forALOGTIME computable functions for which “f=g” is provable inALV, then there are polynomial size Frege proofs for the infinite family {|f=g| n :n, m∈ℕ} of propositional tautologies. Here, the propositional formula |f=g| expresses the equality off andg on inputs of length at mostn, provided that the function values are of length at mostm. We establish a related result with constant formula-depth polynomial size Frege proofs for a systemAV related to uniformAC 0 functions.
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