New ambient pressure organic superconductor with T-c=8.1 K : (EDT-TTF)4Hg(3-male)I(8)

Autor: Rimma N. Lyubovskaya, J.A.A.J. Perenboom, Svetlana A. Torunova, R. B. Lyubovskii, George A. Mousdis, S. I. Pesotskii, E. I. Zhilyaeva, George C. Papavassiliou
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Journal de Physique Iv, 114, 463-466
Journal de Physique Iv, 114, pp. 463-466
Journal de Physique Iv 114 (Apr2004):463-466
ISSN: 1155-4339
Popis: Item does not contain fulltext New ethylenedithiotetrathiafulvalene (EDT-TTF)-based radical cation salts with mercury containing anions of different size and shape have been isolated and studied. Among these compounds the new ambient pressure organic superconductor (EDT-TTF)(4)Hg3-deltaI8, deltasimilar to0.1divided by 0.2, with T-c=8.1K has been synthesized. Depending on a EDT-TTF/HgI2 ratio, electrochemical crystallization of EDT-TTF affords either hexagonal (EDT-TTF)(4)Hg3+/-deltaI8, (delta-0.1divided by0.2) or rectangular (EDT-TTF)(2)Hgl(3) crystals. Three types of hexagonal crystals were certified using conductivity ineaSUrenients: the crystals with superconducting temperature Tc=8.1K under ambient pressure (1), those undergoing a superconducting transition at 5
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