Comparison of silver sulphadiazine 1 per cent, silver sulphadiazine 1 per cent plus chlorhexidine digluconate 0.2 per cent and mafenide acetate 8.5 per cent for topical antibacterial effect in infected full skin thickness rat burn wounds

Autor: M. Forbes, Charles F. T. Snelling, E. Germann, D.A. Henry, J.H. Gray, Frederick J. Roberts
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Burns. 17:37-40
ISSN: 0305-4179
Popis: Silver sulphadiazine 1 per cent (SS), silver sulphadiazine 1 per cent plus chlorhexidine digluconate 0.2 per cent (SS + CD 0.2 per cent) and mafenide acetate 8.5 per cent (MA) were compared to assess the antibacterial effect of once daily application on experimental rat 20 per cent full skin thickness burn wounds seeded 24 h earlier with 10(8) microorganisms originally isolated from infected wounds of burned patients. Separate series evaluated Staph. aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterobacter cloacae and Ps. aeruginosa. The mean concentration of all four organisms recovered after 1 week from full thickness biopsies of eschar and from separate biopsies of subjacent muscle was less in MA and SS + CD 0.2 per cent treated animals compared with those treated with SS alone. The mean concentration in muscle and eschar following treatment with MA was less for wounds seeded with Staph. aureus and Ps. aeruginosa than with SS + CD 0.2 per cent treatment, while the mean concentration in eschar application of SS + CD 0.2 per cent was less than with MA for E. faecalis seeded wounds.
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