Autor: Bivolarski, I., Baltov, M., Alakidi, A., Mihaylova, V., Shilev, P.
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6579888
Popis: Pancoast-Tobias syndrome was first described in 1924 and 1932 by Pancoast as Superior pulmonary sulcus tumor. During this period, Tobias described the same disease as Apicocostovertebral douloureux syndrome. Various disease processes can cause the development of the syndrome - primary malignant tumors of the lung, metastatic tumors, destructive inflammatory processes with peak localization in the lung parenchyma. Clinical symptoms are initially manifested by severe pain in the shoulder, shoulder blade and chest, sometimes with attacks of tachycardia and disorders of skin pigmentation. Later is developed Claude Bernard Horner's Syndrome: miosis, enophthalmos, and eyelid ptosis [1, 4, 8]. We report a case of right-sided adenosquamous lung cancer (Pancoast-Tobias syndrome), which killed an 80-year-old man. The disease was not diagnosed in life due to lack of clinical symptoms. The malignant tumor process infiltrated the right thoracic dome, visceral and parietal pleura and the intercostal muscles. Numerous intra-organ metastases in the right lung, metastases in the hilar lymph nodes and in the right liver were also identified.
Databáze: OpenAIRE