Elemental (im-)miscibility determines phase formation of multinary nanoparticles co-sputtered in ionic liquids

Autor: Michael Meischein, Alba Garzón-Manjón, Thomas Hammerschmidt, Bin Xiao, Siyuan Zhang, Lamya Abdellaoui, Christina Scheu, Alfred Ludwig
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Condensed Matter: Materials Science
Nanoscale Advances
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2206.04963
Popis: Non-equilibrium synthesis methods allow to alloy bulk-immiscible elements into multinary nanoparticles, which broadens the design space for new materials.Whereas sputtering onto solid substrates can combine immiscible elements into thin film solid solutions, this is not clear for sputtering of nanoparticles in ionicliquids. Thus, the suitability of sputtering in ionic liquids for producing nanoparticles of immiscible elements is investigated by co-sputtering the systems Au-Cu (miscible), Au-Ru and Cu-Ru (both immiscible), and Au-Cu-Ru on the surface of the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis-trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [Bmim][(Tf)2N]. The sputtered nanoparticles were analyzed to obtain (i) knowledge concerning the general formation process ofnanoparticles when sputtering onto ionic liquid surfaces and (ii) information, if alloy nanoparticles of immiscible elements can be synthesized as well as (iii)evidence if the Hume-Rothery rules for solid solubility are valid for sputtered nanoparticles. Accompanying atomistic simulations using density-functional theoryfor clusters of different size and ordering confirm that the miscibility of Au-Cu and the immiscibility of Au-Ru and Cu-Ru govern the thermodynamic stabilityof the nanoparticles. Based on the matching experimental and theoretical results for the NP/IL-systems concerning NP stability, a formation model of multinaryNPs in ILs was developed.
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