Measurements of Density Pulsations in the Outlet Nozzle of a Combustion Chamber by Rayleigh-Scattering Searching Entropy Waves

Autor: Karsten Knobloch, Ingo Ro¨hle, Andrea Gaertlein, Friedrich Bake, H. J. Konle, Steffen Nitsch, A. Rausch, André Fischer
Rok vydání: 2010
Popis: The development of measurement techniques which enable temporal and spatial highly resolved density investigations even in harsh environments is essential. Rayleigh-Scattering is a non-invasive optical measurement technique permitting such investigations. A Rayleigh-Scattering measurement system is set up, providing a new insight into fluid mechanical processes in turbo machines. In this paper Rayleigh-Scattering is used for the detection of density oscillations in the optical accessible convergent-divergent outlet nozzle of a small scale combustion test rig at various power consumptions and equivalence ratios. Until now this part of the combustion chamber is sparsely investigated due to the challenging measurement conditions. The temporal density oscillation inside the nozzle can be shown up to 4 kHz as well as its spatial distribution. Systematic errors of the setup are investigated. Spectra of pressure and density oscillations are compared. Measurements with non-reacting air flow are conducted to study flow induced density fluctuations. Entropy noise related correlations between density and pressure fluctuations are found. Therewith, the built up Rayleigh-Scattering system enables investigations of the presumed region of indirect noise generation.Copyright © 2010 by ASME
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