Studies on indolepyruvic acid

Autor: J.M. Kaper, C.J. van den Berg, H. Veldstra, O. Gebhard
Rok vydání: 1963
Zdroj: Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 103:475-487
ISSN: 0003-9861
Popis: Indolepyruvic acid in solution shows a pronounced tendency to establish a tautomeric equilibrium. Possessing the enol configuration in its crystalline state, in water-containing solvents it will rapidly convert to the keto tautomer, or degrade along as yet unestablished patterns. These conclusions have been drawn as the result of an extensive investigation of the ultraviolet spectral properties of indolepyruvic acid in relation to the solvents used, and to the different conditions of pH of the medium. In addition, the ultraviolet spectrum of indolepyruvic acid has been compared with that of its methyl ester, indoleacrylic acid, and a number of other indole derivatives. The data obtained from the ultraviolet spectral properties of indolepyruvic acid were found to be in agreement with previous reports on the tautomerism of this compound, and of other aromatic α-keto acids.
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