Smart5Grid Solutions for enhanced TSO grid observability and manageability in massive RES penetration environment

Autor: Daniel Shangov, Krassimir Vlachkov, Ralitsa Rumenova, Georgi Hristov, Atanas Velkov, Angelos Antonopoulos, Nicola Cadenelli, Nikolaos Tzanis, Dimitrios Brodimas, Michalis Rantopoulos, Ioannis Chochliouros, Vasiliki Vlahodimitropoulou
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Open Research Europe
ISSN: 2732-5121
Popis: Background This article elaborates on Horizon 2020 Smart5Grid Research and Innovation (R&I) project and reports the Smart5Grid Open Experimentation Platform (OEP), including its Open Service Repository (OSR), Verification and Validation (V&V), NetApp Controller (NAC), and Multi-access Edge Computing Orchestrator (MECO), as key results of this project. It then translates those results into energy vertical implications of the Smart5Grid for Transmission System Operators (TSOs), focusing on two particular Use Cases (UCs): UC3 Millisecond Level Precise Distribution Generation Control and UC4 Real-time Wide Area Monitoring pilot demonstrator of 5G virtual PDC capabilities for WAM of end-to-end electricity grids. More specifically, this work exhibits UC3 and UC4 NetApps developed as one of the key project deliverables. All use cases generate openly accessible data, except where specific security restrictions are applicable. Methods The Smart5Grid development methodology is based on the concept of Network Applications (NetApps). Their main mission is to hide the complexity of a 5G telco network for energy application developers in a way that empowers them to develop a NetApp without having to deal with the underlying network. A Virtual Infrastructure Manager (VIM) such as OpenStack or Kubernetes hosts every unit that composes a NetApp. The VIM provides monitoring data to a Network Function Vurtualisation Manager and Orchestrator (NFV MANO) framework, which airs information to the NAC that employs analysis algorithms to propose the optimal Virtual Network Function (VNF) and NetApp placing. A Slice Manager (SM) reserves resources for all these capabilities. Results The Smart5Grid architecture represents the main result that this work delineates in the context of its enhanced 5G telecommunication provider (telco) capabilities for transmission and distribution grids to face and manage more efficiently high Renewable Energy Sources (RES) penetration in a decarbonisation context.
Databáze: OpenAIRE